Create a single page for selling your music online

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In our article How To Sell My Music Online? we outlined the necessary steps to create your own website to sell your music online. In this page we will try to give you the bolts and nuts on how to build a single page with all the online music selling features..

sell music online

The page we are going to build is very simple; nevertheless it has all the features of a full-blown online music store features. Try this fully functional demo to see for yourselves. The demo has all the functions of a music selling site with the exception of the payment part. You will need to setup a Website Payments Standard account and then create the "Add to Cart" and "View Cart" buttons from Paypal.

The assets

From the above picture you can see that we will need the following assets.

  1. Page title: This is the title shown on the title bar of the browser. In the above picture we had "***** Page Title - Page Title - Page Title *****."
  2. The meta descriptions of the page: This is not seen on the page but should be included. Most search engines use this to show your page on their search result pages.
  3. The meta keywords: This is not seen on the page either but should be included too. Some, but not all, search engines use these keyword to index your page.
  4. Banner picture: We will need a 120 x 120 picture; we call this Picture 1.
  5. Title 1: This is the title on the top banner.
  6. Description 1: This is the description on the top banner. You can put some description about the album or about your band.
  7. Content picture A 540 pixel wide picture; we call this Picture 2.
  8. Title 2: This is the title within main content area.
  9. Description 2: This is the description within the main content area.
  10. Song names: The song names of your CD.
  11. MP3 files: You should prepare a, say 30 seconds, mp3 file for each track of your CD to showcase your songs.
  12. The "Add to Cart" and "View Cart" codes from PayPal. Please follow the tutorial "Setting up a Paypal account for selling your music online" to generate the codes.

The procedures

Once you have prepared the above assets, follow these following steps to create your page.

  1. Follow the tutorial "Setting up a Paypal account for selling your music online" to generate the "Add to Cart" and "View Cart" codes.
  2. Use this Sell Your Music Code Generator to generate the HTML codes. All you need is to fill a form and the script will generate the codes for you. Save the generated code to a file called index.html.
  3. Right click this file and choose "Save Link As ..." (for Firefox) or "Save Target As ..." (for IE) to save it to the same directory of the index.html we had in the last step.
  4. Upload your mp3 files, the picture files, the index.html file, and the player_mp3_multi.swf file you have saved in Step #3 to your web server.
  5. Test your site with where is the domain name you have registered. If you don't have a domain name and don't know how to host your page, New Cyberian can host for you. The only disadvantage is that the URL won't be but, where yourname is any available name of your choice.

Voila! It's just all that simple. But if you cannot get it to work, call our technical support at 408-944-0828 and we will be glad to help.